
Hello and welcome to the Creative Daddy Bear blog.  My name is Steven C Bear and I started this blog in late 2014 to share all the the creative projects we do at home as a family.
I've also started the Creative Daddy Bear YouTube channel, check it out and stay up to date with all cool creative craft activities.

So why use (Creative Daddy Bear) as a title?
I've alway been a creative person for as long as I can remember and when I became a father back in 2007 I knew then my inner child would finally have the excuse to create fun craft activities for kids.
Ever since I had children and with my surname being Bear I seemed to be given the nickname Daddy Bear from friends and family, hence Creative Daddy Bear!

I also manage the www.fps-x-games.com website witch is another creative blog, it is themed around video games.  I started that back in 2011 and I'm politically proud on what I've achieved there, it's currently receiving 150k hits a month and the best part is it's great fun adding content.

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